
Green everywhere - picked container from street

¨ I I have decided use old food container. I picked container from street.

Now, I discovered and forced on one interesting theme
--Growing vegetables and fruit in reuse containers.Container gardening is a great way to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers and other plants even when you don’t have a lot of land to work with. The fact is you can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny apartment. “You can grow your own food, No matter where you are”.

In the project, I used exaggerate way to show people “Green everywhere”. I use daily stuffs (such as old food container, junk food container. Give people visual impact and contrast. Many people feel have own vegetables far away from us, But in the fact, it easy and quick to do it. I use daily stuffs, let people feel it’s so close to our life, it is so easy to do it. We just do a little everyday, We can make the world and our life beauty, sustainable and healthy. Anyone can grow plants in containers. It is also amazing how many things can be recycled to make containers. This has all come out quite well, but after I had made them, I found take action was difficult and at times very frustrating. It took a long time to create this project. This is because I was dealing with container and seeds. I have no idea what is container suitable for grow plant? I become confused about what kind of seeds is suitable grow in the container? But, through staffs in Walworth Garden Farm I was able to get much clearer insight into my field of study.

