
Be A Green Graphic Designer

“There are three distinct ways of thinking about a graphic designer’s role: designer as manipulator of stuff; designer as message maker; and designer as agent of change. Green design is harder than “normal” design. You will have to learn more, struggle against the status quo, and possibly try things that no non in your organization has tried before. Furthermore, you will probably make some embarrassing and costly mistakes. We are frequently faced with new materials, new tools, new clients, and new audiences to reach. Design is about effecting change. Someone, somewhere is dissatisfied with the way they find things, and attempt to improve the situation by investing in design. As designers, we are trying to help people change the way people think and the way they act. Designers are uniquely positioned to shift not only our own actions, but also the actions of many others who are touched by our work, including our audiences and clients ”.

Note:We have the power to change the brand itself. We have the power to influence the substance of a product or service. Green design at this level is about being a force for positive change.

