
Seed Bombs

The Seed Bomb(or Green Grenade)in whatever form it takes is designed to enable seeds to be sown in a hard to reach place and in locations where a gardener is unable to spend long preparing the ground for conventional sowing.

1. Classic Clay Seed Ball

A mixture of clay soil(or potter's powder),compost and seeds in the ratio of 5:1:1 with water to bind.

2.Seed Balloon

Vanessa 6111 is a very high-tech and industrious guerrilla gardener.In 2009 she developed a wide range of seed dispersal methods of which the Seed Balloon
was the simplest.It is a biodegradable rubber balloon filled with a few seeds and hellium,held with a string.

3.Seed Pills

Another creation by Vanessa is the seed pill.This is a versatile micro seed bomb.Seeds and compost are packed into a biodegradable pill capsule ready to be thrown.There is also a modified version designed as a self-destructiing piece of jewelry.The pill is glued lightly onto a metal pin and falls off at a moment of nature's choosing!The pill is designed to fracture on impact with the ground.

Enjoy of Food

Chef Jamie Oliver and student's from Marshall University stage a culinary - inspired flash mob to raise awareness for healthy eating in Huntington,West Virginia.Huntington has been called the unhealthiest city in America where nearly half of the adults are considered obese.

Note: For me, food is more than bodily fuel; it is ritual, relationship, family, love, tradition, and so much else.

Be A Green Graphic Designer

“There are three distinct ways of thinking about a graphic designer’s role: designer as manipulator of stuff; designer as message maker; and designer as agent of change. Green design is harder than “normal” design. You will have to learn more, struggle against the status quo, and possibly try things that no non in your organization has tried before. Furthermore, you will probably make some embarrassing and costly mistakes. We are frequently faced with new materials, new tools, new clients, and new audiences to reach. Design is about effecting change. Someone, somewhere is dissatisfied with the way they find things, and attempt to improve the situation by investing in design. As designers, we are trying to help people change the way people think and the way they act. Designers are uniquely positioned to shift not only our own actions, but also the actions of many others who are touched by our work, including our audiences and clients ”.

Note:We have the power to change the brand itself. We have the power to influence the substance of a product or service. Green design at this level is about being a force for positive change.

Lemon Rose

The language of flowers originated in Persia in the 15th century, and was brought to Europe in the 18th century. In the 19th century, This floral code became popular and people sent messages in bouquets to each other. Since each flower, color, and number had a specific meaning. Conversations between lovers took place without a single word being used. Roses are the perfect gifts to convey your emotions.

Yellow roses symbolize joy and friendship. Yellow roses in the Victorian times meant jealousy. Today they are a sign of friendship, joy, gladness and freedom. Lemons as a yellow rose . Food as our friend,Food need freedom.Food is more than bodily fuel, it is ritual, relationship, family, love, tradition, and so much else. They are beauty, they are shining. They have so much meaning to us. Let’s enjoyment of food.

The Women's Land Army

  • During the first World War women were mobilized to work with food production on farms and in gardens across England and America. This program was called "The Women's Land Army."Later with the outbreak of World War II,it was re-introduced for the same purpose

  • Land girls were hired to work many hours ploughing(mainly with horses due to the short supply of tractors),milking cows,digging ditches,logging,etc.For their hard labor they were given a small allowance along with their uniform.In England it was the classic beige corduroy breeches,green pullover sweater and cowboy style hat.

You can shine

Pop stars always draw attention by people . They are attractive and shining . People always have overlooked the importance of food . People always think that food just fill their stomach . I put food on the stage , in the photography studio . They are like human , They are alive. When you pay attention on them you will find , They are nature beauty , They are shining . Treat them well should be as important as we treat ourselves . A big part of living a good life is the enjoyment of food.

Fruit types of facial makeup in operas

Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask.  Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas are based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors. Red has expressed his Warriors of strong types of facial makeup in operas such as Guan Yu, concubines Victoria, regular book; Black said the types of facial makeup in operas ming criticized people, integrity, bravery and even reckless, such as Zheng and Zhang Fei, Li; Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality, such as Yu Chengdu, and Dian Wei. Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable, such as Dou Ambassador, Ma Wu; General treacherous court official said the types of facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Cao Cao, Zhao higher.  Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas of color painting methods, basically divided into three categories : rub face, face towel, different faces. Types of facial makeup in operas initial role is exaggerated her role with striking places and face the veins, using exaggerated by the performance of dramatis personae of personality, psychological and physiological characteristics, and using this to the entire drama circumstances, but Later types of facial makeup in operas by Kan to complex, from rough to the small, Youbiaojili, from shallow to deep, itself becoming a nation of characteristics, to the facial expression means for the pictorial arts.

Tools of the Trade

Four important tools that every gardener should have

Spade - A basic digging instrument for sandy or loamy soil

Hand held pruners - Even in small gardens, you'll need a pair of pruners for roses and to cut back overgrown bushes.

Watering can - These are so handy for containers and hard to reach areas in the garden. Watering cans are also fun to collect and display.

Hose - In the heat of mid summer, hosing the garden is a must. Keep the garden tidy by rolling it up.

(Photos - Bride&Bloom.Dress by Tadashi Shoji)


Plant label

My garden

Green everywhere - Choose seeds

I choose seeds of plant are most appropriate for urban people to cultivate.

Vegetable varieties to grow in containers

Broad bean, French bean, Carrot, Pea, Pepper, Potato, Cucumber, Cress, Spinach, Lettuce, Rosemary, Spring onion, Parsley, Coriander, Mint, Courgette, Leek, Onion...

Flowers to grow in containers

Bergamot, Candytuft, Chives, Honesty, Love-in-a-mist, Pot Mari-gold, Nasturtium, Perennial cornflower, Phlox, Poached egg plant, Small scabious, Spring crocus, Sunflower, Wallflower...

Green everywhere - Clean up

  • Plastic buckets are great for moisture-loving plants - plus, they’re free. Use kitty litter buckets, paint buckets or other bulk containers, just be sure to drill holes into the bottom to allow drainage.
  • Olive oil and coffee cans are colourful and eye-catching, reflecting sunlight to give our plant a little recycled shimmer. Drill drainage holes, fill the cans with soil and they are ready to go. These containers look especially beautiful with trailing plants draped over the sides.
  • Barrels are the perfect large- capacity containers for plants like potatoes that need plenty of depth to fully extend their roots. Plastic food- grade barrels with no prior petroleum or chemical contents, of the sort often used for DIY rain barrels, can be cut in half or used whole as planters and can often be acquired for free or inexpensively from restaurants.
  • Old tires can be used to create raised beds when used singly or stacked on top of each other. Tires do contain heavy metals, but don’t worry about them ending up in the soil - several independent studies have found no ill effects.
  • Soda, mineral water bottles can be quickly transformed into self-watering containers for seedlings and small plants. Just cut them in half, poke holes in the cap, turn the top half upside down and place it inside the bottom half. Fill the bottom half with just enough water to cover the cap. The soil will draw moisture up through the cap as needed, so you don’t have to worry about under – or overwatering.

Green everywhere - picked container from street

¨ I I have decided use old food container. I picked container from street.

Now, I discovered and forced on one interesting theme
--Growing vegetables and fruit in reuse containers.Container gardening is a great way to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers and other plants even when you don’t have a lot of land to work with. The fact is you can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny apartment. “You can grow your own food, No matter where you are”.

In the project, I used exaggerate way to show people “Green everywhere”. I use daily stuffs (such as old food container, junk food container. Give people visual impact and contrast. Many people feel have own vegetables far away from us, But in the fact, it easy and quick to do it. I use daily stuffs, let people feel it’s so close to our life, it is so easy to do it. We just do a little everyday, We can make the world and our life beauty, sustainable and healthy. Anyone can grow plants in containers. It is also amazing how many things can be recycled to make containers. This has all come out quite well, but after I had made them, I found take action was difficult and at times very frustrating. It took a long time to create this project. This is because I was dealing with container and seeds. I have no idea what is container suitable for grow plant? I become confused about what kind of seeds is suitable grow in the container? But, through staffs in Walworth Garden Farm I was able to get much clearer insight into my field of study.

Containers Gardening

Gardening is regaining popularity as a pastime for all types of people across the world, with gardens popping up in the most unexpected places, while the traditional image of a garden may not exactly fit into the reality of most urban environments, the fact is you can grow can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny apartment. Urban gardening is all about using space wisely to regain a closer connection with your food and beautify your home. Growing vegetables in containers is one way of protecting the environment that we all share, by not only talking about it but also getting involved in planting of crops even if the land is limited in town areas. Purchasing enough containers to create the effect you want can get expensive,and why should you buy new when there are so many cheap and even free materials out there to use. Such as plastic buckets, cracked teapots and olive oil cans are just a few examples of recycled and repurposed materials that make beautiful, creative plant containers.

How to grow your own food

To develop my methodology and context and professional development, I am trying to be as receptive as possible to all the input and inspirations coming from the surrounding environment. In Addition, As part of my professional development of the issues, I went to Walworth Garden Farm. The staff in Walworth Garden Farm that were friendly and willing to take part. They teach me how to grow our own food at home step by step. I have lots of knowledge and fun from there.

Food revolution


This food revolution is about saving America's health by changing the way you eat. It's not just a TV show, it's a movement for you, your family and your community. If you care about your kids and their future take this revolution and make it your own. Educate yourself about food and cooking. Find out what your child is eating at school. Make only a few small changes and magical things will happen. Switching from processed to fresh food will not only make you feel better but it will add years to your life.